October 26, 2015

Learning Through Stealing: How to Become Better At Your Craft

This past weekend, I had the great privilege to speak to a group of incredible creators/designers/makers at WordCamp Ann Arbor (#WCA2). We packed out a small room at the University of Michigan and I spoke to them all about how to become a better designer through the art of stealing.

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March 14, 2015

Cain & Obenland

Awkward. Just like the show.

November 5, 2014

Speaking: Typography & User Experience

I had the great pleasure of speaking on Web Typography and User Experience at WordCamp San Francisco this year. Check out the video and the slides!

June 14, 2014

Smart Design & More at WordCamp Chicago

 This weekend Range is at WordCamp Chicago! As a team, we were on a panel today about "How to do big things with a small team" and then I gave a solo talk on "Smart Design." Check out the slides below and I'll post when the video is up. Looking forward to more talks tomorrow!

April 15, 2014

“SMART DESIGN – Icon Fonts, SVG, and the Mobile Influence” at WCATL and upcoming WCCHI

I was so thrilled to be able to speak at WordCamp Atlanta March 14-15, 2014. I not only gave a talk on Smart Design, but also to the Kids Program on ”Design Basics: CSS, Typography, & Theming”, as well as guest starred on “Cain & Obenland In The Morning.” WCATL was such a fun camp, and I am looking forward to WordCamp Chicago June 13-15!

"SMART DESIGN - Icon Fonts, SVG, and the Mobile Influence"

Fast, simple, SMART. Mobile devices have forever changed the way we interact with content. Now we have to consider many things such as HiDPI graphics, responsive design, speed, UI/UX patterns, touch target sizes, gestures, and more. All while not losing track of what’s important: Content.

We’re going to discuss the influence of mobile on design trends and learn implementation techniques of smart design such as icon fonts, svg, and other helpful tips.

Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.

Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at sara@saracannon.com.

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