April 16, 2014

Resource: Typekit Practice

The Typekit team just introduced a great new resource called "Typekit Practice." In their words Typekit Practice is:

a place where novices and experts alike can hone their typographic skills. We hope it will help students learn, help teachers teach, and help professionals stay sharp.

Even just the first lesson on Shading is wonderful, and the Library is extensive!

I'm looking forward to what more they have in store.

October 16, 2010

Slides from WordCamp NYC “Typography and Your Theme”

Thanks to everyone who came out to my session at WordCamp NYC! I've uploaded my slides to slideshare for you to view. Please feel free to leave comments or even just let me know what your favorite webfont is!

September 20, 2010

“Beyond the System Font – Advanced Web Typography” at WordCamp Birmingham

sara cannonI had the great pleasure of speaking this past weekend at WordCamp Birmingham. It was an incredible day with some incredible speakers! If you missed it, here are my slides on my session "Beyond the System Font - Advanced Web Typography." I will hopefully have a video of the talk available to you soon.

The talk covered:
– the current state of web typography/web font licensing etc
– the latest practices such as @font-face embedding
– a practical and applicable focus on how to utilize Typekit with WordPress.
– real-time typekit installation demonstration / how to change your h1
– application on mobile devices (ipad challenges)
– challenging and combating “FOUT” with js
– combating type crunch
– focus on supporting type foundries (no illegal pirating. buy licensing)

Sara Cannon is a Design and Digital Strategy Consultant, UX/UI Designer, Creative Director, & Artist.
Have a project I could help you with? Contact me at sara@saracannon.com.

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