December 7, 2012

10 inspiring 3D design artwork

I've been slightly obsessed with paper and 3D illustration lately. I can't wait to execute a project using this medium!

May 14, 2012

Vintage Motorcycle Typography

I had the neat experience of going to the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum here in Birmingham, Alabama. I wasn't expecting that I would like the museum as much as I did. The collection of vintage typography on the beautifully crafted motorcycles were just stunning. I also really enjoyed some of the old pressed metal work and emblems. Here are some photos of the vintage type.

April 28, 2012

Inspiration: Knife Typography by Farhad Moshiri

I love this knife typography installation by Farhad Moshiri

via Knife Typography | Colossal.

April 18, 2012

Want: Scrabble Typography Limited Edition

I wish all board games looked so fine as this  Scrabble Typography Limited Edition.

Scrabble Typography Limited Edition | The FontFeed. h/t @miklb


October 4, 2010

Targeting Your Fonts in Firefox on Windows

Well, you can use this trick for just about anything in your CSS really. It just so happens that at a certain small weight, Museo Sans really crunches on Windows XP Firefox. Weather or not we can target specifically XP I'm not sure yet.. (if anyone knows chime in!) But we can target all Firefox's on all Window's Machines. So here is how you do it...

1. Make a css file called ff.css and put this code in there:


@-moz-document url-prefix(){
#hackery {
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;


Now that you've made your little hack document...

2. fill up in between the moz brackets with whatever selectors you are trying to change.

3. call your new ff style sheet in your header.php like so:


<?php if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "Windows", 0) !== FALSE) { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href=&quot;ff.css" />
<?php } ?>


voila! Firefox targeted on only windows!

You can now fix your fonts and go from this: (crunchy liberation serif to georgia italic)

to this:

To target Window XP in particular (note that this would not cover versions before that), this should work.

if ( false !== stripos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Windows NT 5.1' )
|| false !== stripos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Windows XP' ) ) :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="ff.css" />
<?php endif; ?>

March 26, 2010

Recommended Reading: “A Few Things I’ve Learned About Typeface Design” by Gerry Leonidas

Earlier this week I posed about an HF&J article on combining typefaces. Here is another article on typography. I found it to be very informative. It lays out what an instructor of typography wants to leave with his students. The Author give you six things to leave with. I found it to be a very good read. Also, subscribe to the rss. It is wonderful.

-sara cannon

i love typography’ve-learned-about-typeface-design/

March 24, 2010

Combining Fonts – H&FJ

This article by H&FJ has been circling around lately. I stumbled upon it first via my friend Winslow.. and then I've been seeing it all around the inter-webs lately. Its a great little article and is insightful and encouraging to those wanting to produce good typography. I was always told in college "no more than three fonts on a page ever!" but in reality, that rule is meerly a giudeline and as you can see, there can be lots of fonts combined and it still look spectacular. enjoy the article!

- sara cannon

The Article:

Sara Cannon is a Design and Digital Strategy Consultant, UX/UI Designer, Creative Director, & Artist.
Have a project I could help you with? Contact me at

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