...our attitude toward the web has to be as flexible as our designs. And maybe it’s worth remembering that the web’ll get there, eventually—we just need to keep playing that long game.
...our attitude toward the web has to be as flexible as our designs. And maybe it’s worth remembering that the web’ll get there, eventually—we just need to keep playing that long game.
Loving a few of the designs and thoughts in this article: The Ultimate Trends for UI Inspiration: Animated Concepts, Menus, SVG graphics and more.
Animated concepts are without a doubt one of the most useful tools during the design process which help to communicate motion and interaction.
The Typekit team just introduced a great new resource called "Typekit Practice." In their words Typekit Practice is:
a place where novices and experts alike can hone their typographic skills. We hope it will help students learn, help teachers teach, and help professionals stay sharp.
Even just the first lesson on Shading is wonderful, and the Library is extensive!
I'm looking forward to what more they have in store.
Love this writeup on Dark Patterns- "a user interface that uses manipulative techniques to get users to do things they would not otherwise have done." It goes through a lot of signups UX. "The thing about Dark Patterns is that you design them from the exact-same rulebooks that we use to enhance usability."
Interesting article about Microinteractions and User Experience. Very informative!!
The Future Of UX Design: Tiny, Humanizing Details | Co.Design: business + innovation + design.
An awesome article about a font developed to evade text readers. I love this concept of typography evading technology!
read here: Introducing the NSA-Proof Font | Motherboard.
I love these incredible chalk designs by the talented Dana Tanamachi. CHeck her site tanamachistudio.com to see time lapse videos of her process!
// re-blogged from Range
When we think about sites that have really neat parallax effects, do we ever stop to consider how they function on mobile? In making NonstopAdvocates.com we saw the use-case for parallax scrolling: to tell their philanthropic story. We also needed the website to be extremely mobile friendly as the campaign spreads around social media. How can we get the best of both worlds? Well, we decided that we would fight the uphill battle and sort this problem out once and for all.
I have always / loved / parallax / sites. I dreamed of finding a client who the story-telling aspect would be perfect for. Its almost like directing a video. You write it like a script and play it out: the graphical and storyline interactions. The code part of this comes later. Thinking about the story you have to tell is the best place to start.
As for the code: we used Richard Shephard's JS / CSS on Github as our desktop parallax base. It looks great! But what about mobile? I pulled out all the tiny tablet-y devices and to my surprise the parallax kinda worked - but it had one major flaw: it was slow and choppy and needed to simmer down and become sleek and sexy like the desktop.
Luckily for us* we were already using _s for our theme base with foundation to help with the responsive bits. Minus the parallax sludge, mobile was already in a good place with some tweaking (like un-sticking the sticky navigation, etc). Now the question is being begged:
Enter Jetpack by Automattic! They have a nifty mobile detection system built right in that we can utilize. We leveraged it to disable the parallax JavaScript and load in an extra CSS file when tablet or mobile is detected. In that stylesheet we were able to load in smaller compiled versions of multiple background images, and utilize media queries to adjust them at different sizes.
Utilizing Jetpack:
[code lang="php"]
function range_is_mobile_or_tablet() {
if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_User_Agent_Info' ) ) {
$ua_info = new Jetpack_User_Agent_Info();
return ( jetpack_is_mobile() || $ua_info->is_tablet() );
return false;
Disabling js and loading in the CSS:
[code lang="php"]
if ( ! range_is_mobile_or_tablet() )
wp_enqueue_script( 'parallax', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/parallax.js', array( 'jquery' ), '20121114' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'tabletmobilecss', get_template_directory_uri() . "/parallaxdisabled.css", array( 'style' ), '3.1.4' );
Now that the css is loading in , we can begin to start the tedious finagling and image resizing process until perfection is achieved. But what is the secret to the sauce? We can also use that handy function range_is_mobile_or_tablet() to target our php in our theme files if we so desired.
I'm glad you had a little freak out there because I did too when I realized that I had ALL THE POWER TO MODIFY ANYTHING. But caution: power can be dangerous and evil (like if you put in so many conditionals on content that you can't keep up with modifications). Use sparingly.
*actually this was planned because we're genius
// re-blogged from range
// reblogged from ran.ge
We're so thrilled to announce this years launch of NonstopAdvocates.com! We designed and developed the site working with Christian & Small's Julie Ellis. Throughout the years, Christian & Small Attorneys has given back to the community in outstanding ways. This will be the third year that they decided to give donations to charities in lieu of client gifts for the holidays. But not only do they give their money, they also give countless hours of time as well as supplies. Really the involvement can't be measured.
We decided that we needed a site that not only achieves the voting, but also tells their philanthropic story. In terms of medium: we decided to use a parallax scrolling technique to tell what we couldn't say on a static page. Check it out, vote, and consider donating on your own to these great organizations!
// reblogged from ran.ge
Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.
Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at sara@saracannon.com.