The detail of the hand-cut works from Annie Vought is stunning.
The detail of the hand-cut works from Annie Vought is stunning.
I had the neat experience of going to the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum here in Birmingham, Alabama. I wasn't expecting that I would like the museum as much as I did. The collection of vintage typography on the beautifully crafted motorcycles were just stunning. I also really enjoyed some of the old pressed metal work and emblems. Here are some photos of the vintage type.
I wish all board games looked so fine as this Scrabble Typography Limited Edition.
Scrabble Typography Limited Edition | The FontFeed. h/t @miklb
I just love this typeface that looks like origami! It reminds me of the one that I made for my site. You can download the font and the illustrator file for free if you like them on facebook. link: Animated Typeface That Folds Like Origami.
I made one of my own:
At WordCamp Atlanta this past weekend I gave a presentation called "Font Swoon - Advanced Web Typography." We geeked out on fonts that I like an discussed methods of implementation.. and some neat type scripts and extensions. It was a fun talk as I especially love it when I can speak on something I'm passionate about.
without further delay:
Love this video of Jonathan Hoefler speaking at the AIGA Pivot Conference. Epic talk from one of the most respected foundries in the industry. More info here:
Thanks to everyone who came out to my session at WordCamp NYC! I've uploaded my slides to slideshare for you to view. Please feel free to leave comments or even just let me know what your favorite webfont is!
I'm so excited for WordCamp NYC this weekend! There are going to be so many talented people there it is almost overwhelming! I feel so honored to be speaking amongst this incredible lineup. If you're going, come see me speak about Typography and Your Theme. If you live in NYC or just want to come to these other incredible sessions: All you need to do is Register for WCNYC today. Make sure to find me and tell me hello! :) Here is my session description:
Believe it or not, generally WordPress sites are made up mostly of typography. This makes the relationship that these typographical elements have to each other very important. The New WordPress 3.0 default theme Twenty Ten has incredible typographical elements. In this talk I will be using a child of Twenty Ten as an example of customizing the theme’s typography. I will be going over how to plan these typographical elements out, their style and color, how to make a site/brand guideline for your Twenty Ten child theme to keep consistency, what different services to look at for your non-system fonts, typographical CSS tips and tricks, and how to account for every little detail and make sure no type element goes un-styled!
Well, you can use this trick for just about anything in your CSS really. It just so happens that at a certain small weight, Museo Sans really crunches on Windows XP Firefox. Weather or not we can target specifically XP I'm not sure yet.. (if anyone knows chime in!) But we can target all Firefox's on all Window's Machines. So here is how you do it...
1. Make a css file called ff.css and put this code in there:
@-moz-document url-prefix(){
#hackery {
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
Now that you've made your little hack document...
2. fill up in between the moz brackets with whatever selectors you are trying to change.
3. call your new ff style sheet in your header.php like so:
<?php if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "Windows", 0) !== FALSE) { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="ff.css" />
<?php } ?>
voila! Firefox targeted on only windows!
You can now fix your fonts and go from this: (crunchy liberation serif to georgia italic)
to this:
To target Window XP in particular (note that this would not cover versions before that), this should work.
if ( false !== stripos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Windows NT 5.1' )
|| false !== stripos( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Windows XP' ) ) :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="ff.css" />
<?php endif; ?>
Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.
Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at