A great article on PostStatus by fellow Ranger and friend Brian Krogsgard on how to price website work.
A great article on PostStatus by fellow Ranger and friend Brian Krogsgard on how to price website work.
My friends at Automattic just announced the re-vamping of their CodePoet Program. They have a fancy new website with great resources for developers, designers, and builders. WPCandy has a great article about the launch. Congrats to Pete Davies, Michael Pick, Evan Solomon, Rebecca Collins, Krista Stevens, and Dave Martin for an outstanding job on the site! I really can not wait to see where this goes. They're really tapping into the community and sharing thoughts and resources from the best in the business. Its incredible.
I'm in the eBook Y'all!
Along with the great resource that is the site, they are also doing an eBook series. They interviewed me for their book on WordPress and Responsive Design - you can read my thoughts on the subject in the eBook! Get it! It's Free!!! And it looks beautiful! Michael Pick did and incredible job designing it. It's just lovely. See my incredibly designed bio page below.
Congrats CodePoet! #WPYall
Great Article on responsive design and the making of the Boston Globe.
How to Approach a Responsive Design | Upstatement.
Earlier this week I posed about an HF&J article on combining typefaces. Here is another article on typography. I found it to be very informative. It lays out what an instructor of typography wants to leave with his students. The Author give you six things to leave with. I found it to be a very good read. Also, subscribe to the ilovetypography.com rss. It is wonderful.
-sara cannon
This article by H&FJ has been circling around lately. I stumbled upon it first via my friend Winslow.. and then I've been seeing it all around the inter-webs lately. Its a great little article and is insightful and encouraging to those wanting to produce good typography. I was always told in college "no more than three fonts on a page ever!" but in reality, that rule is meerly a giudeline and as you can see, there can be lots of fonts combined and it still look spectacular. enjoy the article!
- sara cannon
The Article: http://www.typography.com/email/2010_03/index_tw.htm
I've decided to share with you a couple posts over the next few weeks on interesting reading that I've encountered in the past year or so. Please comment if you've read it, what you think, or if you have any other recommendations!
I've been following Scott Berkun and when a logistically challenging project came my way at work, I picked up his book Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management. I have to tell you, and all my coworkers would let you know as well, I was crazy about this book for a solid month. I've never been one for topical book buying (I have a habit of googling my troubles away), but this book really hit the spot. He comes at it from a technology/software development standpoint, but really, anyone who wants to make anything to happen no matter how big or how small can benefit from some aspect of this book. Just thought i'd share!
-Sara Cannon
ps. follow his blog at http://www.scottberkun.com/
Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.
Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at sara@saracannon.com.