May 9, 2014

Design Inspiration: The Chalkboard Art of Dangerdust

I'm in love with the work of anonymous artists "Dangerdust". Seriously stunning work!

All of the above is good and all, but for some reason I am extremely drawn to the photos of the art being erased and washed off. Its surprisingly poetic and beautiful.

via Each Week, Two Anonymous Students Named Dangerdust Create This Amazing Chalkboard Art.

April 28, 2014

Link: The Ultimate Trends for UI Inspiration

Loving a few of the designs and thoughts in this article: The Ultimate Trends for UI Inspiration: Animated Concepts, Menus, SVG graphics and more.

Animated concepts are without a doubt one of the most useful tools during the design process which help to communicate motion and interaction.

January 31, 2013

Inspiration: Amazing chalk designs by Dana Tanamachi

I love these incredible chalk designs by the talented Dana Tanamachi. CHeck her site to see time lapse videos of her process!

sixwordmemoirsDTG&web1000w (1) DTBloomingdalesweb DTG&web sixwordmemoirs youinspiration WBrooklynyouinspiration

December 3, 2012

Just Launched Charitable Giving Campaign:

// reblogged from

We're so thrilled to announce this years launch of! We designed and developed the site working with Christian & Small's Julie Ellis. Throughout the years, Christian & Small Attorneys has given back to the community in outstanding ways. This will be the third year that they decided to give donations to charities in lieu of client gifts for the holidays. But not only do they give their money, they also give countless hours of time as well as supplies. Really the involvement can't be measured.

We decided that we needed a site that not only achieves the voting, but also tells their philanthropic story. In terms of medium: we decided to use a parallax scrolling technique to tell what we couldn't say on a static page. Check it out, vote, and consider donating on your own to these great organizations!

// reblogged from

November 13, 2012

Site Design:

// re-blogged from Range

I had the great pleasure of working with Scott Berkun on his personal branding and website design. He wanted a clean modern look so we went with all white, the most awesome font Atrament Web, and colors that pop just like the cover of his famous book Mindfire. I love projects that end up being typographical based that really let the content shine. Screenshots below: or just visit

Development by: Shawn Johnston


// re-blogged from Range

October 2, 2012

Collaborative Branding & Site Design Launch: Jones Valley Teaching Farm

// Reblogged from
I love working on design for incredible organizations with amazing and talented people! This past spring, I was able to collaborate with Kelly Housholder, Cary Norton, and Jordan Sowards on rebranding for Jones Valley Teaching Farm in Birmingham, AL. Under the creative direction of Kelly, we collaborated on the rebranding, logo, and color palette.. which she then worked to produce some incredible messaging copy from Jordan, which is all pulled together by the brilliant photography that Cary took! All of this while working closely with JVTF's executive director, Grant Brigham.

I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be a part of this relaunch, for such a great organization  We renamed them from "Jones Valley Urban Farm" to "Jones Valley Teaching Farm" to more accurately portray what their main initiative is in our community: Education.

Continuing from the rebranding I collaborated on with Kelly, we then collaborated on the  website structure and design that just launched last Friday with the development by Andrew Norcross. JVTF has so much to say and so much to give back to the community. We started with wire-framing and information architecting and then went onto design. Kelly was extremely meticulous in working in every detail out with Grant and making sure nothing was overlooked. In particular, I really enjoyed working on the blog category structure & icons. Check out for yourself! (shortlink:

// Reblogged from - go there to view more screenshots or vies the site at

May 10, 2011

Scout Blog Post: “Freshly Pressed: Christian & Small Attorneys and Counselors”

Here is a post that I wrote over on the Scout Blog, syndicated over here just in case you didn’t catch it over there.

We have recently launched an exciting new site for Christian & Small Attorneys and Counselors. The law firm came to Scout for not only a new website but for help with branding and positioning — both internally and externally. They are a really capable firm, full of amazing people and have a wonderful focus on the community. If you haven't seen the donation website we made for them yet, make sure you check out the post for the site.

Simplicity of Design

Christian & Small has close to 50 attorneys with several different practice areas. We designed a website where communicating their expertise is the focus. We organized everything simply and made information readily available and easy to digest, all while keeping the character and integrity of the brand.

Customized WordPress Content Management System

Because Christian & Small has so many attorneys and so much content, we decided that the best fit for them would be a custom tailored WordPress backend. This set up allows designated C&S staff members, with no coding skills to easily add attorneys, edit practice areas and add photos. This ability to edit and add content internally saves money and over time, reduces the total cost of ownership of the website.

We used custom post types to organize the admin as well as create custom meta boxes for special information. This makes adding content easy.

We also added the ability to connect Attorneys to their respective practice areas dynamically, as well as their associated resources. This bridging of content really makes WordPress a true CMS.
Check out the website for yourself:

June 11, 2010

The Art of Open Source: Using Flickr Geotags to Map the World’s Cities

Fast Company has a wonderful article about how photographer Eric Fischer uses Flickr geotags to map world cities. Using Flickr's public API he's created over 50 elegant city maps. These are just facinating and beautiful! A great representation of community, humanity, and the art of open source.

Fast Company explains the color coding as:

Black is walking (less than 7mph), Red is bicycling or equivalent speed (less than 19mph), Blue is motor vehicles on normal roads (less than 43mph); Green is freeways or rapid transit.

Here is San Francisco:

 Using Flickr Geotags to Map the World's Cities - Eric Fischer - San Francisco

New York:

 Using Flickr Geotags to Map the World's Cities - Eric Fischer - New York


 Using Flickr Geotags to Map the World's Cities - Eric Fischer - London

Eric also made a set based upon weather you are a tourist or a local. Here is what he had to say about it on his Flickr:

Blue points on the map are pictures taken by locals (people who have taken pictures in this city dated over a range of a month or more).

Red points are pictures taken by tourists (people who seem to be a local of a different city and who took pictures in this city for less than a month).

Here is New York Based upon Tourists or Locals:

 Using Flickr Geotags to Map the World's Cities - Eric Fischer

And San Francisco based upon Tourist or Local: (I love how Alcatraz and the Golden Gate, and the Pier are clearly defined as tourist)

 Using Flickr Geotags to Map the World's Cities - Eric Fischer

Check out the Fast Company article, Eric's Fischer's Local's and Tourist's Flickr Set,  and his Geotaggers' Word Atlas Flickr Set.

Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.

Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at

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