Christiana Couceiro is a freelance illustrator, working and living in Lisbon, Portugal. Her collages are really inspiring... very mid-century. And I just love her art series on her website. Check it out!
found via ISO50
Christiana Couceiro is a freelance illustrator, working and living in Lisbon, Portugal. Her collages are really inspiring... very mid-century. And I just love her art series on her website. Check it out!
found via ISO50
So, I've created a new website for fun:
When you go to it, it either tells you yes or no.. and if the answer is no, you can click "But I want it to be" and then it will be yes.
I think its funny... and I actually go there when I'm wondering.. "Is is beer 30?" Let me know what you think!
"It makes sense to me, does it to you?"
- sara cannon
I just love REYKA Vodka's new re-design. The bottle looks so fresh and all details are beautifully flushed out.. from the icons at the bottom to the subtle geometric background pattern that embraces the scalloped label edge and perforation. The Islandic-esque blue/grey warmed by wooden cork and orange brings it all together. Their website doesn't do this bottle justice... all pixel-y and flash with a focus on cluttered degraded type. I just like the opening two frames - simple like the bottle. - sara cannon
found via Colt+Rane
I'm really loving the style of Designer/Artist Natalie Nicklin.
Found Via The Post Family
I mentioned earlier that I love visual information. So, what could be better than some nonsensical infographics by Chad Hagen!
found via mstetson design
I decided one day that I would track my mouse movement workflow for 2 days with the program IOGraph. Here are the results. The large spots are when I left my computer for lunch or something like that. I don't think this will mean anything to you but I'm obsessed with visual data so here's the experiment:
Day 1:
Day 2:
After two work days I decided to stop. You can check the titles of the images if you want an accurate time stamp. (I really dont know why you would.)
-Sara Cannon
Just came across this really awesome book from Studio3 called "Hyperactivitypography from A to Z." The book is currently sold out, but I am definitely going to order one once they are back in stock. Until then, you can flip through this awesome retro-child-inspired typography book here or check out their blog to see when copies shall be back in stock. Creative and well done!
found via Play Me Design
I just pre-ordered this book. It should be good. I'll let you know after I get it in June!
If you're interested, read more/order it here:
or read Jason Santa Maria's post on it here:
I just launched a new website at Scout Brand. Its for the restaurant Veranda on Highland. Check it out and the blog post I wrote about the site! -sara
Over on the strange attractor, They posted up some images from Lustix. I really love them. -sara
Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.
Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at