Posted on the Range Blog in 2017
The other day I felt involved in something big – something bigger than a web project. This sparked a realization: at Range, we build more than a scope of work.
Sure, we receive detailed tech specs every now and then – we love geeking out over those.
But more often, our clients want something more. They want us to take adjectives and create nouns people can interact with. They want modern sophisticated translated into a brilliant homepage or warmly professional transformed into a it’s-so-easy signup process.
We do that. We build ideas.
We also build stories.
We meet companies where they are and guide them through design peaks, development valleys. They find who they want to be.
We meet users where they land and guide them past fears, doubts and what-you-wish-they-knew. They discover what they want.
Stories that define companies and stories that bring companies and clients together – we build these.
This is our favorite kind of work.
What story do you need to tell?