March 22, 2012

Origami Typeface!

I just love this typeface that looks like origami! It reminds me of the one that I made for my site. You can download the font and the illustrator file for free if you like them on facebook. link: Animated Typeface That Folds Like Origami.

I made one of my own:

March 6, 2012

Video: DesignSwoon from WordCamp Phoenix – Sara Cannon

Hey y'all! My talk from WordCamp Phoenix is up on! Watch it here or watch it there and leave some comments! ThankYou!

February 4, 2012

Presentation: “Design Swoon – Visual Trends & WordPress” from WordCamp Atlanta

I'm currently in WordCamp Atlanta (#WCATL) and so far the camp is Fabulous! I was able to give a presentation yesterday called "Design Swoon" and today I'm giving another one called "Font Swoon". Here are my slides from the first:
View more presentations from Sara Cannon.
Dont you just love the latest design trends and techniques? Want to apply them to WordPress using great technique? Or do you just need some inspiration? Come to “Design Swoon” where we will not only look at some of the best design on the web but also parse down technique of implementation with CSS3, HTML5, & WordPress. A designers must-see.
Do you know of any sites that are inspiring? Leave them in the commentes! - sara

January 16, 2012

Just Launched Sarah Lacy’s

Everyone check out Sarah Lacy's new site that I designed:! She is an incredible writer and wonderful inspiration! I am so happy that I was able to be involved in this epic project! This was truly an amazing experience. Keep going back to Pando for the best tech content! It is, after all, "the site-of-record for silicon valley"!

November 21, 2011

Jonathan Hoefler – “type at the crossroads” AIGA Video

Love this video of Jonathan Hoefler speaking at the AIGA Pivot Conference. Epic talk from one of the most respected foundries in the industry. More info here:

September 13, 2011

Terminal Refresh

Because I do a lot of work with WordPress Core, I find myself using terminal all the time for svn management and various other things. In order to make this mundane terminal window not make me depressed, I skinned it to make it fit my style better and make me happy when I use it. Here it is:

Bumbling around in WordPress. My pretty terminal theme makes it all better!

So, If you want to use this style for your terminal download it here.

September 12, 2011

Responsive Design Inspiration: the Boston Globe

The recently launched a new responsive site! its beautiful thanks to the collaboration of the filament group and the globe.

Below is an awesome video they made about the design and development process and includes some technical talk about the use of media queries as well as starting big then simplifying rather than the reverse process of progressive enhancement. Interesting video for sure!

Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.

Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at

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