November 15, 2011

Speaking at WordCamp Las Vegas December 17th

WordCamp Las Vegas is December 17th. I'm so excited to be able to go and speak there!  I can't wait! If you're going, please say hi. :) My topic is TBD but I'll let y'all know soon.


October 19, 2011

New Print: Hollis Brown Thornton

I've posted about Hollis Brown Thornton before, and I'm pleased to announce that 20x200 just released a new print! The print is titled "When We Were Kings" and it is ultra rad. Love his style.

check it out on 20x200.

who knew that he also did the cover of a great album.. Sleigh Bells "treats"

as always: check the website...

September 13, 2011

Terminal Refresh

Because I do a lot of work with WordPress Core, I find myself using terminal all the time for svn management and various other things. In order to make this mundane terminal window not make me depressed, I skinned it to make it fit my style better and make me happy when I use it. Here it is:

Bumbling around in WordPress. My pretty terminal theme makes it all better!

So, If you want to use this style for your terminal download it here.

September 12, 2011

Responsive Design Inspiration: the Boston Globe

The recently launched a new responsive site! its beautiful thanks to the collaboration of the filament group and the globe.

Below is an awesome video they made about the design and development process and includes some technical talk about the use of media queries as well as starting big then simplifying rather than the reverse process of progressive enhancement. Interesting video for sure!

September 2, 2011

Good Read: “Adapted” by SimpleBits.

"Adapted": a great article by SimpleBits about modifying an existing site ( to be mobile responsive.


September 1, 2011

Video: My Responsive Web Design talk at WordCamp San Francisco

Here's the video recording of my talk at WordCamp San Francisco that I gave on Responsive Web Design. Lots of talk about Twenty Eleven, WordPress, and Media Queries. Enjoy!

August 27, 2011

Tokyo Wrap Up

Thank you to everyone who came to my talk at Jelly Jelly Cafe in Tokyo! I had the best time. It was great meeting everyone. Special thanks to Naoko for setting up the talk, Sho for hosting the talk in Jelly Jelly Cafe, and Toru for his awesome translating skills. More thanks to everyone else who came and helped in any way. I love Japan and it meant a lot to me to meet everyone. Below is the Ustream video from the talk :)

Video streaming by Ustream

addition 12.17.12: The video is now on youtube!

August 17, 2011

Speaking on Responsive Web Design and WordPress this Friday in Tokyo!

I can't be more excited about this event! This friday I will be speaking in Tokyo at the coworking space "Jelly Jelly Cafe" in Shibuya. I will be talking about Responsive Web Design and WordPress.

here is the Facebook Event:

A brief description/rant:

Q. What can be more exciting than your content being viewed in the very best manner possible?
A. Your content being viewed in the very best manner possible on any device!

Enter Responsive Web Design. A topic that is very near and dear to my heart. Why? Because it is important. We actually have the ability to make our site closer to perfect on every device.  Why wouldn't we?

No matter how you're accessing your content, it should be functional, readable, and consumable. No more device hinderance! No more pinching, squinting, and scrolling when not appropriate. No more trying to drag and swipe and having it not work as expected. We are in control. We can finagle and cry and tweak and cry and get angry until our content is perfect everywhere.

Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.

Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at

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