February 12, 2012

I’m Speaking at WordCamp Phoenix!

I'm so excited to be speaking at WordCamp Phoenix! I'll be giving my Design Swoon talk that I gave at WordCamp Atlanta. Hopefully it'll be an inspiration to all! If you're coming to PHX, let me know and say hi to me!!!


February 6, 2012

Presentation: “Font Swoon – Advanced Web Typography” at WordCamp Atlanta

At WordCamp Atlanta this past weekend I gave a presentation called "Font Swoon - Advanced Web Typography." We geeked out on fonts that I like an discussed methods of implementation.. and some neat type scripts and extensions. It was a fun talk as I especially love it when I can speak on something I'm passionate about.

without further delay:

February 4, 2012

I’m speaking at Future Insights Live!

I'm so excited and thrilled that I was asked to speak at Future Insights Live conference in Vegas! It is a Carsonified conference that is combining "the future of mobile", "the future of web apps", and "the future of web design" into a whole week of incredible speakers, content, and ideas!

I will be speaking on "Responsive Web Design" in the future of mobile track! Here is my talk description:

Websites are all about content. People can access your content many different ways and formats with mobile devices, iPads, phones, etc. The questions are: how can we maintain control over the display of our content and keep our brand consistent? How can we try to provide the best user experience on any platform?

Enter Responsive Web Design. Many experts are not leaning on one static design but on structured content that adapts to its given environment. In this talk, we are going to take a look at responsive web design techniques out there including: progressive enhancement, flexible grids, media queries, flexible images & video, & other methods of implementation.

If you saw my talk in WordCamp San Francisco, never fear. It will be over 9 months since that talk and a lot has happened in the world of responsive design since then. So expect fresh content! I hope to see y'all there!


February 4, 2012

Presentation: “Design Swoon – Visual Trends & WordPress” from WordCamp Atlanta

I'm currently in WordCamp Atlanta (#WCATL) and so far the camp is Fabulous! I was able to give a presentation yesterday called "Design Swoon" and today I'm giving another one called "Font Swoon". Here are my slides from the first:
View more presentations from Sara Cannon.
Dont you just love the latest design trends and techniques? Want to apply them to WordPress using great technique? Or do you just need some inspiration? Come to “Design Swoon” where we will not only look at some of the best design on the web but also parse down technique of implementation with CSS3, HTML5, & WordPress. A designers must-see.
Do you know of any sites that are inspiring? Leave them in the commentes! - sara

January 16, 2012

Just Launched Sarah Lacy’s PandoDaily.com

Everyone check out Sarah Lacy's new site that I designed: PandoDaily.com! She is an incredible writer and wonderful inspiration! I am so happy that I was able to be involved in this epic project! This was truly an amazing experience. Keep going back to Pando for the best tech content! It is, after all, "the site-of-record for silicon valley"!

January 12, 2012

This is important

I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit: http://americancensorship.org/posts/35550/uncensor

The ████████ is the ████████ of ███████'s ██████████ ████████████. ████ ████.

Uncensor This

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

December 19, 2011

WordCamp Birmingham is Jan14th and 15th!

WordCamp Birmingham is right around the corner! If you live in the south you have to come to this! Beginner or Dev, theres stuff for you at WordCamp Birmingham. We're still looking for sponsors and please get the word out! Check out all the incredible speakers. Some are coming across the country just to talk to our community here and other are local legends! If that isn't convincing enough, take a look at the ever-updating session page. There's something for everyone! #WPYall

December 17, 2011

UI Design for Themes & Plugins: Presentation at WordCamp Vegas with Chelsea Otakan

Chelsea Otakan and I presented at WordCamp Vegas on UI Design for Themes & Plugins.

User interface design is both a science and an art. The developers and designers who volunteer to work on WordPress put a lot of thought into the approach. We’ll discuss how the WordPress UI can influence your theme and plugin UI designs.

November 21, 2011

Jonathan Hoefler – “type at the crossroads” AIGA Video

Love this video of Jonathan Hoefler speaking at the AIGA Pivot Conference. Epic talk from one of the most respected foundries in the industry. More info here: http://www.aiga.org/video-pivot-2011-hoefler/

Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.

Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at sara@saracannon.com.

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