An awesome article about a font developed to evade text readers. I love this concept of typography evading technology!
read here: Introducing the NSA-Proof Font | Motherboard.
An awesome article about a font developed to evade text readers. I love this concept of typography evading technology!
read here: Introducing the NSA-Proof Font | Motherboard.
Check out these Paper Type Experiments by Kelli Anderson. They are awesome! & I love her blog design as well.
View more on her blog.
you know that annoying html help after you comment form? Do you like minimalism? remove it!
Simply go into your comments.php file and
[code]comment_form(array('comment_notes_after' => ''));[/code]
read up about it in the WordPress Codex
I'm so excited to be speaking at WordCamp Atlanta this Saturday! If you haven't got tickets, its already SOLD OUT at 450 people. WOW. If you've missed it, be sure to keep an eye on for a date announcement & early tickets for late summer.
I love these incredible chalk designs by the talented Dana Tanamachi. CHeck her site to see time lapse videos of her process!
I'm thrilled to be giving my third talk at WordCamp Phoenix! I've grown to love Chandler and WCPHX over the years and all the amazing talented speakers. My talk is titled:
This talk will explore myths & preconceptions about roles.. When we push these boundaries, we can achieve greater things. If you understand what you're trying to accomplish both technically and visually, you will have fantastic a outcome.
We'll touch on "crossover"(golden unicorn) topics such as UI, UX, trusting instincts, user testing, wire framing, information architecture, front end structure, and form.
WordPress is a great place to put this into practice: as its a perfect environment for leaning php,css, but also its surrounding community support helps us achieve greatness.
Update: Here are my slides:
I love this video.. and empathy. <3
A really amazing Minimum Wage Machine. Turn the crank for an hour and you'll get paid NY's minimum wage in coins. (one penny every 4.97 seconds, for $7.25)
Sara Cannon is a Web Design and Branding Specialist | Helping brands build seamless digital experiences.
She's also an Artist.
Do you have a project she can help you with? Contact Sara at